Ann Arbor.com, May 1, 2010 at 10:44 AM
Iraq and Afghanistan are burning under the occupation of a half-million U.S. troops and contractors.
Mr. Obama is commanding these occupations, with jet bombers in one hand, and with Nobel Peace Prize in the other.
Even after Israel has massacred Gaza, Obama is still shamelessly supporting the racist state of Israel. Speaking of the United States on April 19th, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said "We receive three billion dollars from them each year; we get the best planes in the world from them." (Reuters, April 19, 2010)
In Ann Arbor, thousands hysterically seek tickets to welcome Obama. He fooled them into believing he will stop the war, and has made $23 trillion available to Wall Street vampires while Detroit schoolchildren are left empty-handed. Yet Obama has earmarked the biggest military budget in human history to continue butchery in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that a peace-loving president? Is that a peace-loving nation?
I have a modest proposal to bring peace to our midst; boycott Israel, hands off Iran and get out of Iraq and Afghanistan now.
Mozhgan Savabieasfahani
Ann Arbor